Kev ua haujlwm siab thiab muaj peev xwm loj li-ion roj teeb pob rau cua sov khaub ncaws / hnab looj tes / lub duav 7.4v 10000mah nrog USB 5V2A chaw nres nkoj tuaj yeem siv los ua lub txhab nyiaj mobile
Cov roj teeb pob no yog kho rau lub tuam txhab Asmeskas zam khaub ncaws.Rau lawv cov ntse cua sov scooter tsho.
Ntse roj teeb pob 7.4v nrog lub peev xwm loj 10000mah tuaj yeem ua rau lub tsho kom sov dua 10 teev.
Thiab muaj 3 interfaces tsim:
1.USB 5V2A chaw nres nkoj ua lub roj teeb zoo li lub txhab nyiaj fais fab, tuaj yeem them rau koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes lossis lub zog hluav taws xob rau lwm yam khoom siv hluav taws xob.
2.Type-C input chaw nres nkoj, tuaj yeem them qhov chaw nres nkoj ua kom yooj yim rau them
3.Input/output (DC): Ib txwm siv interface kom yooj yim them thiab tawm.
Lithium ion rechargeable roj teeb 24v 36v 48v 60v 70v customized rau hluav taws xob scooter ebike ev thiab lwm yam.
Product Detail: Product Introduction of the Rechargeable lithium battery pack Application: E-bike, Solar Appliances, Consumer Electronics, Energy storage etc. Quality Guarantee 1) Professional Production 2) Professional Testing 3) Hoobkas Lag Luam wholesale 4) OEM / ODM Zoo siab txais tos ib qib tshiab cov khoom lag luam, kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov, muaj peev xwm tiag tiag, kev nyab xeeb thiab ruaj khov rov siv dua.Khoom Parameter ntawm Rechargeable lithium roj teeb pob Model Number: PLM-18650 roj teeb pob Qhov chaw ntawm Keeb Kwm: Guan ...